For the 12th year, since 2012, Srishti Foundation brings the joyous ancient Dharmic festival of Holi to downtown London, ON, on April 27th 2024. This year with extended hours from Noon to 05:00pm, we expect over 4000 people to join in a a joyous, riot of colours, fun, dancing and music in a concert like setting.
Date: Saturday, 27th April 2024
Time: 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Where: Victoria Park, London, ON
Come out, get coloured and have fun!!! Extended hours this year !!!
Join in for 5 hours of a “Riot of Colours“, synchronized Colour throws, Joy, Music and Dance with over 1000 Kgs of colours, celebrating HOLI on April 27th, Saturday, at Victoria Park, London, ON. Admission is Free.